Not only did Baby Play Day put a huge smile on my face, but seven-month-old TigerLily becomes a babbling baby as she flips through the colorful pages of her new board book by Priddy Books. I have been trying to find unique board books for baby and Baby Play Day fits the bill.
A big bright yet simple smiling face greets TigerLily on the cover. The face is textured with soft yellow felt that TigerLily rubs her hand across and squeals with delight. She’s just beginning to turn the pages properly when before she’d flip over the whole book or just slam it shut. Lately, she’s been grabbing at the tags that are on every other page. Some babies love tags and I didn’t realize till recently how popular tags have become with dazzling tag toys, tags on and within books. Very perceptive.
Each time TigerLily plays with the book I can visibly see her delight in discovering something new, raising a flap on her own or fiddling with a ribbon and she becomes a babbling baby, like she’s talking to her very own friend.
Usually when we read Baby Play Day, I sit with TigerLily on my lap and we open the book together. I am very impressed with the layout. Each page contains a distinguishing interactive feature for the reader. I believe TigerLily is captured by the bold, shiny, or raised primary colors used in the illustrations. She stares at certain pages for several minutes a a time and leans into the book while slapping the page. Totally adorable and charming, she’s already a scholar.
Days become weeks having flown by since we first received Baby Play Day and as TigerLily becomes more familiar with the pages, she laughs or claps in recognition at some of her favorite pages. I’ve begun to take it in our diaper/travel bag when we go to my brother’s house for dinner or other outings when I may need to occupy or mostly to distract her.
Baby Play Day is one of the favourite board books for baby. I can’t wait to hear TigerLily pronounce the words herself one day. She now also recognises the picture associated to the word when I say it out loud. One can tell, we read the book often. She is growing up so fast and it’s a mother’s joy to know that Priddy Books can keep up.
Review by Alpana, Georgia, USA
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