I began reading to TigerLily soon after she was born, which in turn also helped me to remain calm as a first time mother and it taught me to be ‘in the moment’ with my tiny new daughter.
We read and study board picture books more efficiently as she hits the 15 month mark. Thus, TigerLily is able to take full advantage of the book Happy Baby Words by Roger Priddy. We began looking at this book months before her first birthday. Even then, the pictures delighted her, especially when I would hold up an item next to the picture of the same item in the book. The pages are easy for her small hands to handle. She loves to flip pages and has even figured out which page should come next.
We have a game we play now, where I say the name of an item and she is able to locate the item within the book. From pointing to her nose, which she finds the picture of the nose to a pair of shoes. The book really helps her to focus on different objects, body parts, pets, clothing and more.
The only thing I want is that I wish the book had more pages, more pictures, more animals. Now, that only means I will have to get more books for her and I definitely know that Priddy Books will have the answer!
Review by Alpana, Georgia, USA
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