I have just come back from from a trip to Hong Kong and Australia to visit our publishing partners Macmillan Asia and Macmillan Australia, as well as meeting up with some of their key customers.
Hong Kong – We sell a lot of our books in Asia and it was really good to get out and visit some of the book stores in Hong Kong and listen to the comments of the people that work in the book shops – good for ideas too. Like everything in Hong Kong, the three days went past in a blur and then it was off to Australia…
I have the same view as Bill Bryson when he says that Australia is a truly wonderful place. It is one of the best places to visit in the world with great countryside, great food and the weather is pretty good too. I take great pleasure in England beating the Australians at any sport going so it was a bit irritating to find out that the people that I met could not have been nicer.
I visited the Macmillan offices in Melbourne and then went onto their offices in Sydney. I was asked which city I preferred and despite Sydney looking fantastic I’d have to go for Melbourne – the food was amazing, including some of the best ice cream that I had ever tasted (the apple was my favourite) and the coffee in Melbourne is as good as any in Italy that I have tasted.
Favourite airline – Air New Zealand
Favourite music on the flight – Agnes Obel and Seeker Lover Keeper
Favourite film on the flight – Drive