Behind the books: Illustration

Behind the scenes at Priddy, our creative ideas are brought to life

by talented illustrators. Here’s a quick look at how!


We chose talented artist Genie Espinosa to illustrate Sticker Friends: Puppy.

The designer/editor team came up with lots of fun (and a few silly) ideas

to give her inspiration to create the cute, doggy scenes.


Genie created the rough sketches for every page, including puppy town and the fairground.

Sticker Friends Puppy spreads.indd  Sticker Friends Puppy spreads.indd

The rough artwork was approved. Genie turned her sketches

into colored artwork and each friendly pooch came to life!

Sticker Friends puppy_3  Sticker Friends puppy_4

The designer then put the artwork into the book spreads and made the stickers.

The editor added the text . . .

Sticker Friends puppy_6  Sticker Friends puppy_5

And ta-da! A finished book was printed.


You can find the Puppy sticker book here, along with the other titles in this series.

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