When you’re online looking to buy something, what do you take most notice of? It’s probably not what a company says about its own products, but rather what people who have already bought them have to say. Which is why we’ve set up a band of bloggers – we’ve called them Roger’s Bloggers – to review and give us feedback on our books.
It’s a chance for us to test out our books on adults and kids who know what they want from a book! We’ve already got a few bloggers recruited – why not take a look at some of their reviews? They’re from all over the UK and some from much further afield!
We’re always looking for more bloggers, so do sign up if you want to join in. Whether you’re on facebook, twitter or have your own blog and have a child (or grandchild, niece or nephew) aged from 0-9, and would like to review our books for us with their help, drop us a line at millie@priddybooks.com with your contact details, putting ‘Roger’s Bloggers’ in the subject box. We’ll get in touch with you and send you a brand new book to review, which of course you get to keep. We look forward to hearing from you and happy reading!